THE:灰度:Ordinals 可以解锁比特币的新潜力吗?(英文原版)

Since its inception, Bitcoin has been hailed by some as a revolutionary technology with the potential to transform the way we conduct transactions using a new financial layer. Recently, a new innovation has emerged that could unlock new possibilities for the Bitcoin network to also function as a cultural layer. Ordinals1, which refer to NFT2-like assets on the Bitcoin network, had their start in December 2022 when Bitcoin developer Casey Rodarmor released the ORD software. Each bitcoin can be subdivided into 100 million smaller units called “satoshis,” and while normally these satoshis are fungible3, ORD assigns numerical values to individual satoshis, allowing for uniqueness. More specifically, ORD, which runs on top of a Bitcoin Core full node, allows users to add arbitrary data to a Bitcoin transaction (“inscription”) and tie the data to an individual satoshi4 (“ordinal”). Ordinals have generated a great deal of attention in the crypto ecosystem, surpassing one million inscriptions on April 8, 2023 (Figure 2), and sparking a conversation about the potential to unlock new possibilities for the Bitcoin network.

Figure 1: Simplified Bitcoin Inscriptions and Ordinals Example

Source: Grayscale Research

灰度:已就对SEC拒绝比特币现货ETF的诉讼提交最终简报:2月8日消息,灰度在推特上表示:“上周,灰度在我们的诉讼中提交了我们的最终简报,质疑美国证券交易委员会拒绝将GBTC美元转换为现货比特币ETF的决定。这些与之前提交的其他摘要基本相同,但有额外的引用和参考。准备供 DC 巡回法院法官小组阅读的摘要是必要的要求。我们期待在2023年 3月7日在专家组面前陈述我们的案件。”

此前去年6月份消息,美国SEC拒绝灰度现货比特币ETF申请,同日灰度法律顾问向华盛顿特区巡回上诉法院提交了复审请愿以作为提前诉讼的第一步,提交复核申请后,诉讼过程将涉及简报,法官选择、口头辩论和最终判决。1月24日消息,美国法院加快灰度诉美SEC案的的口头辩论,双方将于3月7日向法院陈述案情。[2023/2/8 11:54:00]

This process effectively creates a Non-Fungible Token (“NFT”) on the Bitcoin network. While some are critical of ordinals, cautioning against bloating the blockchain or harming fungibility, we believe that ordinals represent one of the larger opportunities for Bitcoin adoption, especially as the Bitcoin network has historically been viewed as a rigid blockchain ecosystem. 

Figure 2: Ordinals Count

Source: Dune, /img/2023525190734/5.jpg">

Ultimately, ordinals present a straightforward manifestation of non-fungible digital assets due to their immutable nature, absence of programmability, and mandatory on-chain inscription requirements, as opposed to ERC721s. Although Ethereum NFTs boast greater programmability and currently dominate the NFT market in terms of volume and popularity, ordinals could be an appealing alternative for those seeking a straightforward, scarcer digital asset on the most established blockchain available.

Although ordinals are a recent development, they have already amassed over one million inscriptions within a mere four months, even during a bear market. This unexpected surge in popularity may indicate a shift in the broader perception of Bitcoin, despite its reputation as an ossified blockchain. While legitimate concerns exist, we believe that ordinals have the potential to positively impact the Bitcoin network in the longer-term, attracting a new wave of enthusiastic users and developers to embrace the Bitcoin community.

 “Ordinals” refers to a numbering scheme for satoshis that allows tracking and transferring individual satoshis.

  A non-fungible token is a unique digital identifier that is recorded on a blockchain, and is used to certify ownership and authenticity. 

 Fungibility is the property of a good or a commodity whose individual units are essentially interchangeable, and each of whose parts are indistinguishable from any other part.

 The smallest unit of bitcoin; there are 100 million satoshis in one bitcoin.

 Layer 2 blockchain solutions are protocols designed to function atop a Layer 1 blockchain (such as Bitcoin or Ethereum) with the aim of enhancing scalability, privacy, and other attributes of the foundational blockchain.

 The witness segment within a Bitcoin transaction is responsible for housing transaction signatures. This information can be converted into accessible content for any Bitcoin node utilizing the ORD software.

 500 million inscriptions assuming around 10,000 satoshis per inscription, which equates to approximately 50,000 BTC inscribed or 0.24% of the total terminal supply of 21 million.

 Ethereum Request for Comments (ERC) 721 is a data standard for creating non fungible tokens, meaning each token is unique and cannot be divided or directly exchanged for another ERC-721 token. The ERC-721 standard allows creators to issue unique crypto assets like NFTs via smart contracts.

 The InterPlanetary File System is a protocol, hypermedia and file sharing peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system. 






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原文作者:CONCODA原文编译:Block unicorn 银行恐慌已经接近尾声,但美联储已经重新开始实行紧缩政策,这不仅会导致不可避免的破产和随后的救助,还会增强美国中央银行的全球影响力.
