REN:Rename Statement (更名声明)






波场TRON联合BitTorrent与THUBA DAO达成合作伙伴关系:据最新消息,波场TRON联合BitTorrent与THUBA DAO达成合作伙伴关系。此番波场TRON与THUBA DAO的合作将有力推动区块链的“产学融合”,加速行业的普及与发展,并为行业注入更多创新活力。

THUBA DAO是由清华大学区块链协会(THUBA)成员所发起的去中心化组织。THUBA DAO致力于将Web3世界带给每一个学生,成为连接海内外区块链社区的桥梁,并培养最优秀的下一代Web青年与先锋者。

波场TRON致力于打造下一代全球互联网及金融基础设施,目前,波场公链用户总数超过1.56亿,交易笔数超54亿,总锁仓量(TVL)超123亿美元。 波场网络于2021年12月实现完全去中心化,现为由社区治理的去中心化自治组织(DAO)。[2023/4/28 14:33:19]


DeFi协议Exotic Markets在Solana上正式推出Dual Currency Note:5月26日消息,基于Solana的DeFi协议Exotic Markets在Solana区块链上正式推出了其Dual Currency Note(DCN)。DCN目前已经拥有超过14万钱包用户。

在技术方面,DCN能够承受市场的剧烈波动。这使交易员和投资者有机会在不冒太大风险的情况下获得回报。此外,该网络允许Solana持有者投资于Dual Currency Note,并获得比特币收益。投资DCN不需要替代货币或封装代币。(CoinQuora)[2022/5/26 3:42:38]





Ren宣布其跨链桥RenBridge已支持本地RenVM取款:官方消息,Ren宣布,其跨链桥RenBridge已支持本地RenVM取款。命令中心UI允许网络运营商将任何数量的收入直接提取到本地地址。如果用户希望将资产包装在RenVM支持的任何链上,用户可以直接提取到访问RenBridge时生成的存款网关地址。[2021/7/9 0:39:10]

Rename Statement

Starting from September 23rd, 2021, the CESS Distributed Storage Project, which we have been leading and developing for four years, has been officially renamed EDCS Distributed Storage Project. Please inform each other and be sure to know!

金融科技公司Current将与Acala的DeFi Hub集成:Current宣布与Acala建立合作伙伴关系,Acala是一个基于波卡的去中心化金融平台。Current.com将与Acala的DeFi Hub集成,利用专有技术在Polkadot生态系统中构建基础架构。该合作伙伴关系是同类中的第一个,它建立了一个新的类别混合金融(HyFi),将传统和DeFi应用程序结合在一起。Current将运行其自己的基础结构,并加入Polkadot网络上设置的活动验证器。与Acala的集成直接内置在Current的专有核心银行平台Current Core中,该平台旨在将闭环法定货币系统桥接到开放平台。这将加速HyFi基础设施的开发,该基础设施旨在为Current的近300万成员提供价值。(CoinDesk)[2021/5/18 22:16:31]

We are a creative computer R&D team with dreams, and the technical characteristics of blockchain always make us keep up with its development. In view of the fact that the development of global 5G technology is bound to bring explosive growth of data volume, it must be a trend and opportunity to innovate the way of data storage. So, in October 2017, we formally established the CESS Distributed Storage Project, striving for seize the opportunities in the storage field through the exploration and innovation of various technology’s arrangements and combinations. Although the process of the technology development is so uncertain and there were constant problems along the way, we still devote ourselves to solving problems and exploring optimization paths. Finally, it took four years to develop a very satisfactory distributed storage product.

MakerDAO已添加renBTC作为抵押类型:据官方消息,MakerDAO已添加renBTC作为抵押类型。DeFi用户现在可以使用renBTC进行借DAI操作。[2020/12/15 15:12:18]

During four years of research and development, we have only participated in a handful of industry seminars. However, even though we are low-key enough, this track is really messy. It is surprising that many CESS Distributed Storage Projects have emerged, making it difficult for users to distinguish the real from the fake, and even peers who have communicated with us before will come to ask us for proof. We are both puzzled and angry. At the same time, we are actively seeking ways to right our name.

Therefore, in order to reintroduce all users to us and truly witness the results of 4 years of research and development without the interference of industry’s chaos, we have made big decisions: From September 23st, 2021, CESS Distributed Storage Project, officially renamed as EDCS Distributed Storage Project!

EDCS Distributed Storage Project (Formerly CESS Distributed Storage Project) is to build different communities according to different language environments and user bases around the world. It will now fully support the construction of two language communities, English and Chinese, and carry out the landing exploration of distributed storage.

Meanwhile, the main network of EDCS Distributed Storage Project will enter the testing phase in October 2021. The main network is expected to be officially launched in November 2021. For more information, please follow the information section on the EDCS official website.

Hereby declared!

EDCS Distributed Storage Project Side

(Formerly CESS Distributed Storage Project Side)

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过去的两个月里每当谈论到社区协作的话题,我都会给大家讲 BanklessDAO,推荐大家去围观、学习、参与。在我看来,仅仅成立4个多月的BanklessDAO已经是社区协作的一个优秀样本.
